Do you need to sell your house quickly? Depending on your situation, you may want to avoid the traditional, lengthy home-selling process and skip to the part where you have cash in your hand and are ready to move on to the next stage of your life.

Reason To Sell Quickly
Life happens. There are plenty of reasons to sell a house quickly that doesn’t fit within the schedule of a traditional selling process, such as:
- Recently divorced – No one wants to drag a divorce on longer than it needs to. When dividing assets, it may make sense to sell the house quickly so you each have a down payment for your next place.
- Need to move for a job – Got that promotion you always wanted, but it requires you to move states? You don’t have time to sit around and wait for your home to be sold, you need to get moving!
- Inherited a home – Inherited homes often are sudden with the passing of a loved one. If a house has fallen into your lap, with all the emotional ties included, it’s easier to sell fast and let another family start creating memories.
- Need quick cash – If you are in a bind, selling your house fast may be the financial injection you need to get back on your feet.
- Attract Cash Offers - Selling a house quickly usually means you are attracting cash offers. Cash offers can come from either individuals who don’t need a mortgage or home-buying businesses who have liquidity to invest. With a cash offer, you eliminate the mortgage approval process which can take up to at least 30 days. In addition, you can skip approval part of the purchase with fewer strings attached, like appraisals and inspections. Instead, you can jump to the good part: closing the sale.
- Faster Closing Process - As mentioned above with a cash offer, you can speed up the closing process significantly. The traditional closing process includes underwriting, appraisals, inspections, and so many other details. Worst case scenario, this process could take up to several months. By taking out the traditional financing and other strings, all you need to do is sign the paperwork to make it official!
- Avoid Additional Expenses - In the traditional home-buying process, oftentimes financial institutions are approving mortgages for buyers. To ensure the financial institution is making a “good” investment, they require more paperwork and proof, such as an appraisal and inspection. These extra insurances for the mortgage company end up costing the seller. You can also spend more than you need by being on the market longer than you want. Every month that goes by that your house is still on the market means you are still making monthly mortgage payments, including taxes and insurance. Beyond this, the current market is open to change at any moment, and you could suddenly find your home losing value while waiting for this process to finish. Avoid it all with a quick sale!
- Lower Selling Price - The biggest con to a quick sale is getting the most bang for your buck. If you don’t have time to sell your home, you may not get the money you expect out of it either. This can be due to a couple of factors:
- Limited Market Visibility - The traditional home-buying process usually involves a real estate agent who takes the time to “market” your home to get the most visibility. The more visibility, usually the more offers you will get. By selling fast, your house is only on the market for a short period of time, limiting the house’s exposure to potential buyers and limiting your potential purchase price.
- Dodgy Buyers - There are some people out there who take advantage of the situation and throw out low-ball offers just because they can. If you aren’t getting any other bites, these types of dodgy buyers may pressure you to take their offer. With WCC Properties, you get a reputable cash home-buying company that always gives you a fair offer in cash!
- Emotional Toll - No matter your situation for selling the house, it’s going to take an emotional toll on you. While prolonging the selling process may take its toll, selling too quickly may also prove more emotional. A quick sale may mean you and your family don’t get the time they need to process and properly move on.
Is a quick sale right for you? Keep in mind the pros and cons, then choose the best-selling solution for you! If you sell to WCC Properties, you get all the pros of a reputable company that is ready to give you a good cash offer for your as-is home and close in 48 hours!